#42 Weekly Remote Sensing and Geoscience news!
USGS and MRLC Consortium Unveil National Land Cover Database 2021 – Explore Now!; Explore the newly updated version of ESA's World Fire Atlas; Course: and more!
These are the topics of our #42 newsletter issue:
🛰 USGS and MRLC Consortium Unveil National Land Cover Database 2021 – Explore Now!
🛰 Explore the newly updated version of ESA's World Fire Atlas
🛰 Course: Spatial data and geographic information systems (GIS) in R
🛰 NASA ARSET: Building Climate Risk Assessments from Local Vulnerability and Exposure
🛰 Job Offers
🛰 Upcoming events
🛰 Week's recommended reading
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USGS and MRLC Consortium Unveil National Land Cover Database 2021 – Explore Now!
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), in collaboration with the Multi-Resolution Land Characteristics (MRLC) Consortium, is delighted to reveal the successful completion and launch of the most recent edition of the National Land Cover Database (NLCD) for the contiguous United States, specifically, NLCD 2021.
Specific map products include:
🗺️ Land cover – Conterminous U.S. land cover at a 30-meter spatial resolution with a 16-class legend based on a modified Anderson Level II classification system
🗺️ Land cover change index – Provides a simple and comprehensive way to visualize change that occurred across all the NLCD epochs of land cover
🗺️ Urban imperviousness – Indicates urban impervious surfaces as a percentage of developed surface over every 30-meter pixel in the Conterminous U.S.
🗺️ Urban impervious descriptor – Classifies specific types of roads, wind tower sites, building locations, and energy production sites to allow a deeper analysis of developed features
🗺️ NLCD Science Products
Land Cover Change Disturbance Date – Identifies the first land cover classification change event between any two adjacent target years across all NLCD epochs at the 30-meter pixel level
Forest Disturbance Date – Identifies the most recent year of forest disturbance between the years 1984–2021
Land Cover Change Count – Calculates an integer count total of any change recorded between two consecutive epochs
Land Cover with additional Forest Transition Classes – Delineates spectrally stable grass and shrub areas from those that are transitional forest classes, which tend to be represented by forest harvest, burns, regrowth, and other disturbances
U.S. Forest Service Science Tree Canopy Cover – The original, unmasked Tree Cover Canopy data produced by the U.S. Forest Service, an MRLC partner.
📰 Read more: NLCD 2021 now available
Explore the newly updated version of ESA's World Fire Atlas
🔥 Over the past few weeks, destructive wildfires have swept through countries including Greece, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Algeria, Tunisia, and Canada. These fires have not only resulted in loss of life but have also inflicted significant environmental and financial harm.
🔥 As per data from the European Forest Fire Information System (EFFIS), over 234,516 hectares of land in the European Union have been burned as of July 29, 2023, within this year only.
📰 Read more: Counting wildfires across the globe
Course: Spatial data and geographic information systems (GIS) in R
👩🏾💻 Discover the fascinating intersection of data and location through user-friendly lectures, hands-on exercises, and engaging projects. The expert instructors will guide you step-by-step, ensuring you feel confident working with Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and exploring diverse spatial datasets.
🚨 The course is currently 50% off.
📰 Access: Spatial data and geographic information systems (GIS) in R
NASA ARSET: Building Climate Risk Assessments from Local Vulnerability and Exposure
By the end of this training attendees will be able to:
Theory: Plan for a risk assessment tailored to their system of interest
Resources: Identify NASA resources for climate risk assessment
Contextual: Recognize importance of developing contextual intervention strategies for specific stakeholder decisions
Demonstration: Connect climate risk information to specific vulnerabilities and exposed assets to support climate action decision processes in their systems
📆 September 19, 2023 - September 21, 2023
📰 Read more: ARSET - Building Climate Risk Assessments from Local Vulnerability and Exposure
Job Offers
➡️ Climate and Indigenous Affairs Policy Specialist – Brazil
➡️ Remote Sensing Specialist / Aerial Cartographer
➡️ Senior Project Manager Earth Observation
➡️ Research Fellow in Earth Observation
➡️ Assistant Program Manager, Spatial Analyst and Decision Support Specialist
➡️ Data Scientist, Remote Sensing
Upcoming Events
Maximize your potential! Explore the most complete list of training, events, conferences, workshops and job offers at Geoportal.tech. (👥 Jéssica Uchôa)
Week's recommended reading
Uncover the incredible story of Landsat's 50-year journey! Discover how this pioneering remote sensing technology has transformed our understanding of Earth and its dynamic changes.
📰 Check out this paper: "Fifty Years of Landsat Science and Impacts"
📰 You can check all my recommended papers at the bottom below:
Thanks for reading! See you next week!
Don't forget to like it and comment if it was helpful for you.
I appreciate it and I love to hear from you.
With love,
— Rafaela Tiengo