#5 Weekly Remote Sensing and Geoscience news! 🛰️🌍
📢 The Remote Sensing and Geoscience news in 5 minutes.
⚠️NEWS: Sentinel-1B — mission ends
🛰️ It’s official: The European Space Agency (ESA) and the European Commission just announced that it is the end of the mission for the Copernicus Sentinel-1B satellite.

👇🏾 Check on the link below the conclusions of the Anomaly Review Board:
ESA - Mission ends for Copernicus Sentinel-1B satellite — www.esa.int On 23 December 2021, Copernicus Sentinel-1B experienced an anomaly related to the instrument electronics power supply provided by the satellite platform, leaving it unable to deliver radar data. Since then spacecraft operators and engineers have been working tirelessly to rectify the issue. Unfortunately, despite all concerted efforts, ESA and the European Commission announce that it is the end of the mission for Sentinel-1B. Copernicus Sentinel-1A remains fully operational and plans are in force to launch Sentinel-1C as soon as possible.
Volcanology: Fagradalsfjall eruption has started
🌋 The Icelandic Meteorological Office used the Twitter account to announce the eruption officially on the last 3 August.
🛰️ In an interferogram using a Sentinel-1 image from two days before the beginning of the eruption (1 August), it was possible to observe a new intrusion and evident deformation in the area.

Opportunity: Svalbard Integrated Arctic Earth Observing System Remote Sensing Working Group is looking for the next early career researcher (ECR) observer!
🛰️ Apply now for this unique opportunity to provide scientific & administrative work on an international organization in the Arctic. ❄️
❄️Actively participate in WG activities for up to two years;
❄️Work closely with the SIOS Remote Sensing Officer and the RSWG Chair on routine activities e.g. organising meetings (~1 physical and 5 virtual per year), writing draft meeting minutes, following up on working group documents etc;
❄️Making working group activities visible to ECR networks via email, social media, and other means;
❄️Assisting RSWG in planning online events (conference, webinars).
❄️Assisting in organising the annual remote sensing training course in September 2023;
👇🏾 More information on the link below:
Early Career Researcher for the Remote Sensing Working Group — sios-svalbard.org
The ECR acts as a SIOS ambassador and assists in distributing news about SIOS remote sensing activities in ECR and other administrative and scientific networks. This engagement provides a platform for ECRs to become involved in an international organisation and develop important organisational skills.
Opportunity: 7 PhD scholarships in Marine and Geospatial Sciences

Scientific areas:
➡️ Atlantic open data cube – Concepts and tools for the North-east Atlantic Data Cube;
➡️ Marine ecosystems vulnerability assessment in Santo Antão island (Cabo Verde);
➡️ Ocean Accounting (OA) and decision support models;
➡️ Adaptive Ocean Sampling and Mapping using Networked Marine Robots (surface and underwater vehicles);
➡️ Models of computation for systems of teamed maritime vehicles;
➡️ Team-based planning and execution control for multi-domain autonomous vehicles;
➡️ Optimal trajectory planning and execution control for long-range Autonomous Surface Vehicles;
New Landsat Collection 2 Science Products Released
Landsat Collection 2 Level-2 Provisional Aquatic Reflectance (AR) and Level-3 Provisional Actual Evapotranspiration (ETa) science products are now available. Landsat 9 is also now available for both products.

New Landsat Collection 2 Science Products Released | U.S. Geological Survey — www.usgs.gov
Data Access: Requests for Landsat Collection 2 Provisional AR and ETa products can be submitted using the EROS Science Processing Architecture On-Demand Interface (ESPA).