#35 Weekly Remote Sensing and Geoscience news!
XVIII CONFIBSIG IBERO-AMERICAN SIG CONFERENCE; ESA 11th Advanced Training Course on Land Remote Sensing material is now available; ESA is calling universities for an Engineering Challenge, and more!
These are the topics of our #35 newsletter issue:
🛰 The ESA 11th Advanced Training Course on Land Remote Sensing material is now available!
🛰 ESA World Cereal data are available!
🛰 ESA is calling universities for an Engineering Challenge
If you are not a subscriber, please, consider it. You are very welcome.
CONFIBSIG is the most important scientific-technological meeting of the speciality in Ibero-America.
The conference was held from 16 to 19 May 2023 in Cáceres (Spain) at the University of Extremadura.
The conference was developed in a hybrid way (online & in-person) with more than 60 presentations and more than 150 authors.
👩🏾💻 I attended a course [in Spanish] "Deep Learning aplicado a la teledetección" and I also presented the [in Spanish] "Metodologías de teledetección para cambiar la cobertura terrestre y el uso de la tierra en áreas costeras e islas oceánicas: una revisión sistemática".
I will post the abstract here as soon as they are published by the conference on the book [in Spanish] “Las TIG ante los nuevos retos globales en un contexto cambiante”. Stay tuned. :)
If you would like to know what happened this week, check out the program. Maybe there is some research topic presented that you are interested in so you can contact the authors.
To access more training, events, conferences and workshops, visit our Geoportal.tech and find much more! (👥 Jéssica Uchôa)
The ESA 11th Advanced Training Course on Land Remote Sensing material is now available!
Access the material at the bottom below and learn more about:
🛰️ Introduction to optical & SAR remote sensing for agriculture and water
🛰️ Land Surface Temperature
🛰️ Soil Moisture (Passive Microwave Radiometers, Scatterometers and SAR)
🛰️ Drought monitoring
...and more!
ESA World Cereal data are available!
🌾 After the release of the first seasonally-updated 10m cropland maps, now ESA offers the opportunity to download & process the World Cereal data via the OpenEO Platform.
The download is available through a wizard or via Python API.
ESA is calling universities for an Engineering Challenge
ESA is looking for three universities from ESA Member States which would like to participate with their students in the fifth ESA Academy’s Concurrent Engineering Challenge.
For more information, click at the bottom below.
Thanks for reading! See you next week!
With love,
— Rafaela Tiengo