#15 Weekly Remote Sensing and Geoscience news! 🛰️🌍
📢 The Remote Sensing and Geoscience news in 5 minutes.
This week we have bonus information: 2023 CONFERENCE LIST. I hope it helps you!
ESA Academy’s Space Systems Engineering Training Course 2023
To help prepare the next generation of Space Systems Engineers, the ESA Education Office is looking for 30 highly motivated and enthusiastic university students to participate in the Space Systems Engineering Training Course 2023, to be held from 31st January – 3rd February 2023 in the ESA Academy’s Training and Learning Facility (TLF) at ESA’s ESEC-Galaxia, Belgium.
Who can apply?
👩🏾💻 Aged minimum 18 years old;
👩🏾💻 Be a citizen of an ESA Member States, Canada, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Slovakia or Slovenia;
👩🏾💻 Be enrolled as a full-time Bachelor (at least 3rd year), Master, or PhD student in a university for the academic 2022-23 (not graduating before the training course);
👩🏾💻 Have a solid mathematical and physics background;
👩🏾💻 Be studying for an engineering degree.
➡️ The selected students will be sponsored by ESA to cover accommodation and meals, as well as up to 300 Euros for travelling to Belgium.
ESA - Student applications now open for ESA Academy’s Space Systems Engineering Training Course 2023 — www.esa.int
Global Workshop on Earth Observation with Julia 2023

MOOC: AI for Earth Monitoring

ScanSAR is now available on Google Earth Engine
Qiusheng Wu on LinkedIn: — www.linkedin.com Leafmap Tutorial 59 - Creating map legends with only one line of code Video: https://lnkd.in/eAj3HN8f Notebook: https://lnkd.in/eExc-5d8 JupyterLite...
The 25 m PALSAR-2 ScanSAR is normalized backscatter data of PALSAR-2 broad area observation mode with observation width of 350 km. The SAR imagery was ortho-rectificatied and slope corrected using the ALOS World 3D - 30 m (AW3D30) Digital Surface Model. Polarization data are stored as 16-bit digital numbers (DN). The DN values can be converted to gamma naught values in decibel unit (dB).
PALSAR-2 ScanSAR Level 2.2 | Earth Engine Data Catalog | Google Developers — developers.google.com
Blog post: Why should I use polarimetric data?
Are you interested in Polarimetric data? In this post you will understand why you should use this data and what is the polarimetric radar mode.
Why should I use polarimetric data? | by Elise Colin — elisecolin.medium.com The switch to polarimetry is like the arrival of color after black and white. The images are more beautiful… More generally, what is radar polarimetry? It’s making images by varying the polarization…
GeoPython 2023 — 2023.geopython.net The Python conference for Geo, March 06-08, 2023, Basel, Switzerland
Blog post: Python for Geosciences: Working with Satellite Images
#15 Weekly Remote Sensing and Geoscience news! 🛰️🌍 — www.getrevue.co
This week we have bonus information: 2023 CONFERENCE LIST.
EARSeL Symposium 2023 — bucharest23.earsel.org
3-6 July, Bucharest
👩🏾💻🐍 The main idea is to present basic to advanced Python concepts by examples extracted from Geosciences and Environmental thematic areas where you will manipulate geospatial data, being them matricial or vectorial.
👩🏾💻🐍 All necessary code to follow up the tutorial will be made available through Jupyter Notebooks.
Python for Geosciences: Working with Satellite Images (step by step) — medium.com Learn Python through real-world examples from Geosciences. Introduction to remote-sensing using Python (read satellite images, display and more)
#15 Weekly Remote Sensing and Geoscience news! 🛰️🌍 — www.getrevue.co
This week we have bonus information: 2023 Conference List.
Are you planning your next year? Well, I'll help you!
Here you can find a list of the upcoming 2023 conferences around the world!
GeoPython 2023 — 2023.geopython.net The Python conference for Geo, March 06-08, 2023, Basel, Switzerland
MIGARS 2023 | International Conference on Machine Intelligence for GeoAnalytics & Remote Sensing.
The conference will be held in Hyderabad, India, during January 27-29, 2023.
ICRSG 2023 | International Conference on Remote Sensing and Geographic Information — www.icrsg.org 2023 International Conference on Remote Sensing and Geographic Information will be held in Prague, Czech Republic during March 29-31, 2023.
SBSR 2023 | Brazilian Symposium on Remote Sensing — 2023.sbsr.com.br
XX SBSR (2023) will be held in Florianópolis, Brazil during April 02-05, 2023.

ARSET - Connecting Citizen Science with Remote Sensing | NASA Applied Sciences — appliedsciences.nasa.gov
This training will provide attendees an overview of citizen science efforts that use Earth Observations, and how to engage with community members in a supportive and meaningful manner to achieve project goals.
4th International Conference on Geology, Mapping and Remote Sensing — www.icgmrs.com
Wuhan, China | 14-16 April 2023
Chapter Summary Videos — www.eefabook.org A new video is released each week summarizing each chapter of the book.
12th International Conference on Climate Informatics — cambridge-iccs.github.io
12th International Conference on Climate Informatics, hosted at the University of Cambridge, April 19-21
Vienna, Austria & Online | 23–28 April 2023.
39th International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment — www.isrse39.com
The ISRSE-39 conference will be held in Antalya, Turkey during 24-28 April 2023.
GEOProcessing 2023 | Fifteenth International Conference on Advanced Geographic Information Systems, Applications, and Services — www.iaria.org
Venice, Italy, 24-28 April, 2023.
GISTAM 2023 | International Conference on Geographical Information Systems Theory, Applications and Management — gistam.scitevents.org
Data Acquisition and Processing, Remote Sensing, Modeling, Representation and Visualization, Knowledge Extraction and Management, Domain Applications. Prague, Czech Republic | 25 - 27 April 2023
International Workshop on High-Resolution Thermal EO — thermal2023.esa.int
10-12 May 2023. Frascati, Italy.
Munich NewSpace Summit — www.munich-newspace-summit.org For the first time, leading experts will meet at the Munich NewSpace Summit from 15 to 17 May 2023 to exchange views on how to transform an entire industry regionally, nationally and across Europe.
JURSE 2023 | Joint Urban Remote Sensing Event — www.jurse2023.org
The Joint Urban Remote Sensing Event (JURSE) is a forum of excellence where researchers, practitioners and students present, share, and discuss their latest findings and results. May 17-19, 2023 | Heraklion Crete, Greece.
International Radar Symposium — www.dgon-irs.org
International Radar Symposium | 14-16 May 2023 | Berlin, Germany
Summer School SOLAS 2023 — www.solas-int.org
5-16 June 2023 | Mindelo, Cape Verde
6th International EcoSummit Congress: Building a sustainable and desirable future: Adapting to a changing land and sea-scape — www.ecosummitcongress.com
It will take place at The Gold Coast Convention Centre, Gold Coast, Australia, from 13-17 June 2023
ESA Polinsar Biomass 2023 — polinsar-biomass2023.esa.int
11th International Workshop on Science and Applications of SAR Polarimetry and Polarimetric Interferometry and BIOMASS Workshop | Toulouse, France | 19 – 23 June 2023
EARSeL Symposium 2023 — bucharest23.earsel.org
3-6 July, Bucharest
IEEE IGARSS | International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium 2023 — 2023.ieeeigarss.org
IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS 2023), Pasadena, California, USA, 16 - 21 July, 2023
The workshop will take place at the University of Leeds, UK, from 11 to 15 September 2023.