#1 Weekly Remote Sensing and Geosciences news! 🛰️🌍
Training: Evaluating Ecosystem Services with Remote Sensing
ARSET - Evaluating Ecosystem Services with Remote Sensing | NASA Applied Sciences — appliedsciences.nasa.gov
Material: Machine Learning Glossary by Google Developer
Machine Learning Glossary | Google Developers — developers.google.com Compilation of key machine-learning and TensorFlow terms, with beginner-friendly definitions.
Book: Landsat's Enduring Legacy: Pioneering Global Land Observations from Space
The definitive book on Landsat is now open to access with details, backstories, programmatic & technical information.
Landsat Digital Access — my.asprs.org
Download Digital Version

📢Big news! The definitive BOOK on #Landsat is now #openaccess. Fantastic resource! 🛰️🌎📡
Details, backstories, programmatic & technical information, it's all there.
Goward et al. Landsat's Enduring Legacy: Pioneering Global Land Observations from Space.

Podcast: Introduction to Synthetic-Aperture Radar (SAR)
A very interesting podcast/post: "Introduction to Synthetic-Aperture Radar (SAR)".
You will learn about:
🛰️ What's SAR
Introduction To Synthetic-aperture Radar (SAR) - Mapscaping.com — mapscaping.com

A very interesting podcast/post: "Introduction to Synthetic-Aperture Radar (#SAR)". 🎧🖥️ (@MapScaping)
You will learn about:
🛰️ What's SAR
🛰️ SAR is an active or passive sensor
🛰️ What you can do with SAR
🛰️ #DEM with SAR and much more.
🔗 Available: mapscaping.com/podcast/introd…